#74 – Westmalle Trappist – Belgian Tripel Beer

The Westmalle Brewery, situated in Belgium, has a rich history dating back to 1794. It holds the esteemed title of being one of the few Trappist breweries globally, where monks brew the beer.

Beer Name: Westmalle Trappist Tripel

Manufacturer: Westmalle Brewery

Origin: Westmalle Abbey, Belgium

Company Founded in: 1836

Beer Type: Trappist Tripel Ale

SRM (Colour): 20

Abv (Alcohol) 9,5%

IBU (Bitterness): 30

On a Vibrant Sunday, the 17th of September, I found myself at the iconic Grand Place in Brussels, and it just so happened to be “Car-Free Sunday”. The city was alive with energy, and the Grand Place was the epicenter of the festivities. It felt like a massive carnival, with people dancing, sipping beer, and enjoying the holiday on the streets. The atmosphere was electric, and everyone seemed to be wearing a smile.

In the midst of this joyful chaos, I found the Celtica Pub and decided to savor a Westmalle Trappist Tripel Beer. The setting was perfect – sitting outside, sipping on this legendary brew, and taking in the view of the Grand Place and the vibrant events unfolding around me.

The beer poured a radiant golden hue, and it gleamed in the sunlight. Its effervescence was inviting, promising a refreshing experience on this warm day of celebration.

The aroma was a delightful blend of fruity and spicy notes. I could detect hints of bananas, cloves, and a touch of citrus. It was like a fragrant bouquet of flavors, enticing the senses.

The first sip of Westmalle Trappist Tripel was a revelation. It tasted heavenly – a harmonious fusion of fruity esters, mild sweetness, and a subtle spiciness. The flavors danced on my palate, with a gentle undercurrent of maltiness. It was a true testament to the art of brewing.

The aftertaste was clean and crisp, leaving behind a pleasant memory of the beer’s delightful flavors. There was a subtle warmth that lingered, inviting another sip.

Whether Westmalle Trappist Tripel Beer was genuinely exceptional or it was the positive vibe of the day, I couldn’t be certain. But one thing was clear – it was an experience to remember. It’s a beer that elevates an already special moment, making it even more extraordinary. Sipping it while taking in the Grand Place and the festivities was pure joy. It’s a beer worth savoring, and it’s best enjoyed watching the celebrations on the sidelines.

The “Tripel” style signifies a strong, pale ale with higher alcohol content, and Westmalle’s rendition is considered a benchmark for this style. Over centuries, the monks at Westmalle have honed their brewing expertise, resulting in beers that are celebrated for their complexity and balanced flavors.

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