Beer Name: Efes Pilsner
Manufacturer: Anadolu Efes Brewery
Origin: Istanbul, Turkey
Company Founded in: 1966
Beer Type: Premium Pilsner
SRM (Colour): 10
Abv (Alcohol) 5%
IBU (Bitterness): 8
Efes Brewery, founded in 1969 in Izmir, Turkey, has grown to become one of the largest and most well-known breweries in the country
Efes Brewery produces a variety of beer styles, Efes Pilsner remains a notable choice for those seeking a taste of Turkish brewing traditions and I Got The Opportunity To Enjoy An Efes Pilsner Beer In Istanbul Airport During My Transit Trip To Belgium. Curiosity Drove Me To Try This Local Beer, And I Must Say, I Was Pleasantly Impressed.

Efes Pilsner Served With A Startlingly Beautiful Light Yellow Tint That Quickly Catches The Eye. The Original Appearance Included A Virtually White Head, Which Subsequently Faded To A Narrow Ring With Only A Few Residual Bubbles. While The Beer Did Not Leave Complicated Lacing Patterns, Its Gleaming Look Promised A Pleasant Encounter.
Efes Pilsner Has A Mild Yet Welcoming Scent. It Had A Faint But Perceptible Aroma Of Sweet Pilsner Malt, Providing A Delicious Foretaste Of What Was To Come. Light Flowery Hops Served As A Supporting Character, Slightly Hinting At The Beer’s Balance

With Each Sip, Efes Pilsner Revealed Its Genuine Personality. The Predominance Of Pilsner Malt, Which Gave A Sweet And Malty Basis, Dominated The Flavour. This Maltiness Was Accompanied By Delicate Flavours Of Grassy And Flowery Hops, Which Contributed To A Mild But Discernible Bitterness. The Interaction Of These Ingredients Enriched The Flavour Profile.

The mouthfeel of Efes Pilsner was in between thin and medium-bodied, resulting in a balanced and pleasant texture. The beer’s average carbonation provided a pleasant sharpness, making it a good choice for a brief airport stay. The largely dry end left a crisp aftertaste that enticed further investigation of its flavours
During my brief visit at Istanbul Airport, Efes Pilsner Beer proved to be a pleasant surprise.

While it may not perfectly follow to the conventional pilsner paradigm, it certainly has its own appeal. Its gleaming look, delicate perfume, and malty flavour with a hint of bitterness make it a Good choice. Efes Pilsner may not meet strict pilsner criteria, but it is a refreshing and delicious beer in its own right. After all Pilsners are ment to be Refreshing

Sid, I am really impressed about your tasting, classification, and reporting skills. Great narrative, i mean it!!! Cheers.
Thanks Francesco.. I still have Italian Beers to experience 🙂