Beer Name: Lost Lager
Manufacturer: BrewDog
Origin: United Kingdom
Company Founded in: 2007
Beer Type: Pilsner
SRM (Colour): 15
Abv (Alcohol) 5%
IBU (Bitterness): 10
About The Beer

It pours a yellow gold with a thick lasting white head. This has the appearance of a lager and the aroma is nothing out of the ordinary. It has a nice, bready malt base and a clean yeast flavor

This is a dry-hopped Pilsner made with classic German Saphir hops, giving it a vibrant citrus and fruity notes. Built from Bavarian yeast, it has a crisp clean taste. I wasn’t expecting the fruitiness in there, but got a nice surprise and the flavor pretty much follows the aroma.
BrewDog aren’t known for their lagers as they tend to brew hard-hitting fruity beers and a little bit different like Punk IPA
There is nothing wrong with Lost Lager which is easy-to-drink, with crisp flavorings and sits very nicely as a session lager and this was a pretty decent lager overall.

It Is A Lost Lager And Just Make Sure You Don’t Lose It Again.

My Own Rating
Overall : 6/10
- Aroma : 6/10
- Appearance : 7/10
- Taste : 6/10
- Palate : 6/10
History about BrewDog Beer Company

BrewDog produces about 134,000HL of Beers. It was founded in Fraserburgh in 2007 by James Watt and Martin Dickie. Their main brewing moved to nearby Ellon in 2012. BrewDog produces bottled and canned beers in a variety of styles such as ale, stout, India pale ale (IPA) and lager.They have produced beer starting with 4.1% Abv – Trashy Blonde to 55% – The End of History Lets talk about “The End of History”. In 2010 BrewDog produced a 55% ABV freeze-distilled beer called The End of History which became known as “the world’s strongest beer, with the bottles packaged in small stuffed animals and priced at £500 and £700 each. Only 12 bottles were produced and BrewDog claim that this set new records not only for alcoholic strength in a beer but also for the price.

Brewdog faced multiple challenges and controversies.
1. In 2008, BrewDog were challenged by UK drinks industry watchdog the Portman Group. Portman had claimed BrewDog to be in breach of their Code of Practice. In December 2008 BrewDog were cleared of all breaches of the Code of Practice and were permitted to continue marketing their brands without making any changes to the packaging.
2. In 2012, BrewDog revealed that Diageo had threatened to withdraw funding from BII Scotland’s annual awards if BrewDog was named winner of the Best Bar Operator award. Diageo later apologised to BrewDog for what they called a “serious misjudgement” by Diageo staff.
3. As per BBC – When the founders of popular but controvertial beer company BrewDog needed a second bank loan to enable them to expand production, their tactic was a simple one – lie through their teeth (Click here to read more) I am not sure how much true this is, but I believe that everything is fair if the lie was to produce great beers which they certainly do.

Brewdog has also won quite a lot of awards like Prince’s Scottish Youth Business Trust Young Entrepreneur of the Year award, Gold Medals at the multiple World Beer Cup, the Tenon Entrepreneur of the Year Award. I can guarantee that no other company would be producing so many beers at once. I really like the brewing attitude of James Watt and Martin Dickie and if possible I would like to meet them one day.
Thanks for covering new stuff and also for the education. Keep writing.
Thanks Anshuman Sir
Clinical analysis, Sid. Very informative too.
Thanks Ashish.. Appreciate it.