Beer Name: Amsterdam Navigator
Manufacturer: The Grolsch Brewery
Origin: Groenlo, Netherlands
Company Founded in: 1615
Beer Type: Intense Lager
SRM (Colour): 15
Abv (Alcohol) 8%
IBU (Bitterness): 10
About The Beer

It pours upto three finger and has a edium look with a lot of CO2. It has a fluffy white head with decent retention. Perfectly clear amber orange with medium carbonation. It definitely looks good, but it is a classic case of looks that can be deceptive.

The has a decent aroma just like any lager and perhaps with mild caramel. However, for an intense Beer you would expect the taste to be a bit bold and give you a punch at the first sip. However this was heavy on malts to begin with some light caramel and followed by a little bitter hop at the swallow. the aftertaste is very sweet, with the sweetness of caramel and just a hint of bitterness. There was a lack of punch because of imbalance with hops

It was indeed stronger with sweet malt flavors, but without the hop bitterness to act as balance. Yeah, there is a lot of flavor but not enough that makes me want to go back for more.
I can’t say it’s a bad beer, but I believe this Amsterdam Navigator is lost somewhere.
If you’re into buying a strong and intense lager to drink, you will get this in AN because it is strong and not because of intense, as there is nothing intense in it.
My Own Rating
Overall : 6/10
- Aroma : 6/10
- Appearance : 7/10
- Taste : 5/10
- Palate : 6/10

The Grolsch brewery was founded in 1615 in Groenlo. The city of Groenlo was then known as Grolle, hence the name Grolsch, meaning ‘of Grolle’. Grolsch is best known for its 5% abv pale lager i.e. Grolsch Premium Pilsner. The brewery was first operated by Willem Neerfeldt. It was later taken over by Neerfeldt’s son-in-law Peter Sanford Kuyper later.
As Of February 2006, Grolsch Was The Second Largest Brewer In The Netherlands (After Heineken) With Annual Production Of 320 Million Litres. The Domestic Market Comprises Fifty-One Per Cent Of Total Production.
It Was Awarded The Koninklijk (Royal) Title In 1995. The Grolsch Brand Became A Part Of The SABMiller Group In March 2008.
Grolsch Is The 21st Largest Provider Of Beer In The World, And Is Available In 70 Countries.