#50 – 1664 BLANC – Wheat Beer

Beer Name : 1664 BLANC, 
Manufacturer : Kronenbourg Brewery, 
Origin : France, 
Company founded in : 1664, 
Beer Type : Wheat Beer, 
SRM : 12, 
Abv : 5%, 
IBU : 9, 
About the Beer
The beer pours in a heavily hazed golden color with a one finger head of billowy white foam. The head fades slowly over time to leave tons of foamy lace on the sides of the glass. The aroma is floral and delicately spicy over a sweetish, lightly wheaty malt base. 
The carbonation is moderate and the beer feels very light in your mouth. There’s a touch of coriander seed in both flavor and spiciness and along with a limited bitterness and light touch of acidity it comes to a semi-dry finish with just a dollop of sweetish malt gently lingering. Flavor is a bit on the thin side, but the aftertaste is great.
All in all this is a very drinkable beer. It’s not the best Belgian-style witbier, but it is nice. It plays well as a day beer during the summer, with its refreshing sweetness and floral notes.
France has become synonymous with wine over the years, obviously for good reason. However, France has a long tradition of brewing beer too, Kronenbourg Brewery is a brewery founded in 1664 by Geronimus Hatt in the Free Imperial City of Straßburg (today Strasbourg, France). The name comes from the area where the brewery relocated in 1850 and the company is now owned by the Carlsberg Group .
Geronimus Hatt, who obtained his Master Brewer’s certificate in 1649, started up the Canon Brewery in the Place du Corbeau in Strasbourg. His son Claude (born November 1665), succeeded his father in the trade in 1683. However, the frequent flooding of the River Ill compelled a move to the higher terrain of Cronenbourg, an area of Strasbourg  in 1850.
British company Scottish and Newcastle (S&N) plc acquired it in 2000 for £1.7 billion.In April, 2008, S&N’s operations were sold to Heineken and Carlsberg, the latter acquiring Kronenbourg.
On 2 April 2015, Brasseries Kronenbourg launched a new corporate identity which it will use in corporate communications. It was designed by Carré Noir, which has been the brewery’s design agency for several years. According to a press release, the new logo reaffirms Kronenbourg’s identity as a French brewer with 350 years of history.
My Own Rating:
Aroma : 5/10
Appearance : 5/10
Taste : 5/10
Palate : 5/10
Overall : 5/10

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